Sandnes Garn 2405_03 Sebbe Sweater Junior, English

€4,00 EUR
Tuotemerkki: Sandnes Garn

5 varastossa

Toimitus alkaen 4,90€
Ilmainen toimitus yli 80€ ostoksille
Turvalliset kotimaiset maksutavat


The bottom color is knitted with 1 thread Line and 1 thread Mandarin Petit.

This pattern is paper copy. There is included also link to digital pattern. Each instruction is sold only when purchasing the pattern of the instruction thread. You can find more information about the models in the collection under the section 'collection instructions'.

The pattern colors are knitted with 1 thread Mandarin Petit. First, the back piece is knitted back and forth with double pointed needles to shape slanted shoulders and then the back piece is worked down to under the sleeves. Stitches are then knitted along the cast-on edge of the back piece on each side to front pieces which are knitted separately. Reversals are knitted to shape slanted shoulders and increases for the neckline, before the front pieces are knitted together to the same length as the back piece. From under the sleeves, the front and back pieces are knitted together. Sleeves and neckline are knitted at the end.



The sizes in the table are only indicative and it is recommended to take the measurements of the person wearing the garment and compare them with the measurements in the table. The stated dimensions are based on the knitting density given in the instructions.

  2 vuotta 4 vuotta 6 vuotta 8 vuotta 10 vuotta 12 vuotta
Overvidde: 68  73  80  85  90  95 
Hel lengde eller ønsket lengde: 36  40  44  46  50  52 
Ermelengde: 27  30  34  38  41  44 
The thread flow is calculated according to the dimensions given in the instructions. If you want the piece to be longer, remember that you may need more yarn.
  2 vuotta 4 vuotta 6 vuotta 8 vuotta 10 vuotta 12 vuotta
Bunnfarge: LINE Cafè au lait 3042: 4 4 5 5 6 6
Bunnfarge: MANDARIN PETIT Iskaffe 3051: 3 3 4 4 5 5
Mønsterfarge 1: MANDARIN PETIT Jeans blå 9463 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mønsterfarge 2: MANDARIN PETIT Natur 1012: 1 1 1 1 1 1